Andrew Dodds Projects 2
Projects 1
Paradise Lost
Sodium Dawn
One and Three Balls
New Horizons >
What can be

  New Horizons
Digital video montage, 1999 - ongoing

A series of computer generated videos featuring Enlightenment English landscape paintings (Constable and Gainsborough) in combination with home-video footage of American storms. The sky from the paintings has been digitally removed and replaced with the storm video footage. Initially the 'paintings' convince but gradually one becomes aware of the images’ constructed appearance and the picture plane is disrupted: the perspective and ‘deep space’ of the genre are eroded and we are offered new, unsettling horizons.

New Horizons video series has been included in many exhibitions including The Deceleration Project 2004, held in a regeneration zone in Spitalfields, London and at The Lux, 2000.


  [IMAGE: Mr and Mrs Andrews with Tornado, DVD video]